A Simple Little Project Escalated Last month I received an email from someone I had met at a networking event several years ago. The subject line read, “help me fix my boo boo?” Renee explained that she had hung several antique bows that had belonged to her husband’s grandfather on a wall which had a faux […] […]
August was yet another busy, creative month on my artistic voyage. I am so blessed to be working with beautiful people. These were the highlights of last month. • Finished murals in the lobby of Dr. Tonia Sabo’s offices in Broomfield, Colorado • Created ideas for signs for The Boutique at the Broadmoor Resort in Colorado Springs • […] […]
There was a presentiment of fall in the air this morning. The moisture and over-cast skies contributed to the feeling. A perfect morning to sit on the deck and talk to you about a portion of my latest project. Bella and I ventured to Broomfield, CO to create a relaxing atmosphere in the lobby of […] […]
July was full of painting at the Broadmoor Resort in Colorado Springs. This is my seventeenth year painting at the Broadmoor. Although I am only there a few times a year, as I approach the porte cochere at The Broadmoor I am still awestruck by the wonder and beauty of this resort. The month started off with a […] […]
Custom Mural in the Spa at the Broadmoor Resort blog-podcast-april-15-2010 For those of you unfamiliar with the Broadmoor Resort it opened in 1918 and to this day is rated a five-star/five diamond resort, very prestigious, one of three hotels in Colorado with this rating. I can’t say enough about this outstanding first-class resort. They offer year-round […] […]
A Window Treatment that Reflects and Celebrates Your Surroundings Why not bring the outside in? The patio and deck were surrounded by scrub oak, pine trees, flowers and tall grasses. The strong, simple idea of painting scrub oak and ponderosa pine boughs with large pine cones served as my primary inspiration. So down came the heavy […] […]
Grapevine Embellishment Over Arched Door One sunny afternoon I was designing a new note card when I received a call from a client who had purchased a loft in a downtown Denver sky rise. He had no idea what subject matter he wanted, just something painted over the arched entry door to the wine cellar. Although the expansive loft […] […]
A Curious Cat Mural Trompe L’oeilin french means ‘to fool the eye’. In small rooms it can make the area feel larger than it actually is. This mural was painted in a laundry room. Directly below the mural sat the family dog’s dish which makes this even more fun. Outside this window is a flower garden, pines […] […]
Continuing my on little safari in Georgia, as my imagination would have it, “Toby the Toucan and Gerry the Giraffe ” were born. My daughter-in-law, whom by the way has become the daughter I never had, had taken the window coverings down in Brady’s room and had left the blinds for privacy. My thought naturally went […] […]
Have you considered an “on-going” mural for a child’s room? This jungle theme mural was a work in progress for several years. You see, my son and his family live in Georgia and I live in Colorado so popping in to paint a mural or add to a mural whenever the mood hits isn’t always an […] […]