July 2010 Newsletter

Artistic Voyage: News from Mickey Life’s Mysteries and Succumbing to Change Throughout my life I have always welcomed the mystery of change. You know, making new friends, visiting new places, taking a different route to a familiar destination or contemplating a move. Since my husband passed of cancer three years ago I have worked very hard to […] […]

April Newsletter: Day Lilies

Blessings of the Season Each season has its own blessing. For me, one of the blessings of Spring is new life, new beginnings, i.e., beautiful spring flowers leading to summer flowers and on to fall flowers. You get the picture. Will I ever get tired of flowers? Doubt it. And with Spring comes the urge to […] […]

March Newsletter: Columbines & Poppies

You are a Priority Somewhere on your list of priorities should be you and things that make you smile. For me filling my surroundings with things I love is part of taking care of me. Some of the things I like to surround myself with are photos of family, remembrances of special times and art that I enjoy. Things that […] […]

Columbine & Poppies by Broadmoor Artist Mickey Baxter Spade

Wildflowers in Watercolor I’ve seen it a thousand times but today it’s different. It is as though I see each delicate snow flake falling gracefully onto the already snow-dusted ground. A foggy haze covers the city views. It looks so pristine, even the deer haven’t sauntered by to leave their tracks in the snow. Today is […] […]

February Newsletter

Artistic Voyage: News from Mickey February, 2010 Creating an environment around you that you enjoy and are proud to be in elevates your creative process and makes you proud to entertain friends and clients. You can buy art to fill space on your walls or you can purchase art that defines you and your surroundings. Art provides […] […]

Writing a Thank You Note for a Gourmet Dinner Invitation

Giving someone the courtesy of a thank you note after having dinner at their home is always appreciated. Here is an idea of what you might say. “Dear . . . Dinner was absolutely perfect. Your gourmet meal was incredibly delicious and you attention to detail is unsurpassed. The entire evening was divine. Thank you for inviting […] […]

Writing a Thank You to a Business Associate

Saying “Thanks for a Job Well Done” is always appropriate. To follow is an idea of what you might say to someone who has done a great job on their presentation. “Hello . . . As anticipated your presentation was fabulous. Sandy had mentioned you were good with colors and I concur. Thank you for your […] […]

Gifts for Tennis Fans

Why would a muralist paint a bumble bee in nearly all her murals? The story behind this question began over fifteen years ago. While I was busy getting word out that I had a passion for painting murals I also needed an income. My graphic design background came in handy. One day while meeting with a […] […]

Creative Decorating with Fine Art You Love

Creativity has been an important part of my life for as long as I can remember. Whether trying to capture the beauty of nature in a watercolor or creating flowing designs with sumptuous color in an abstract or collage, the intrigue never wains. Surrounding myself with fine art and fine art prints I love to look at and […] […]

Snow Covered Cardinals Christmas Card

Painting birds has always brought me joy and cardinals are certainly one of my favorite birds. Adding them to murals has always been fun, especially in Colorado since they don’t live here. I find people from the midwest usually miss seeing them and they have actually asked me to add them to their murals. Two little […] […]