Snow Covered Cardinals Christmas Card

Painting birds has always brought me joy and cardinals are certainly one of my favorite birds. Adding them to murals has always been fun, especially in Colorado since they don’t live here. I find people from the midwest usually miss seeing them and they have actually asked me to add them to their murals.

Two little things I miss living in Colorado,  besides family and friends, are cardinals and lightning bugs (fireflies). Not having investigated it, I’m wondering if it is the altitude that keeps them away. I must admit creating this painting made me a bit homesick for family – well, it is that time of year.

The cardinal is the state bird of Indiana, where I grew up. It also is the state bird of Ohio, Illinois, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia and North Carolina. Let me know if that’s way more information than you needed.

When deciding on a setting for the cardinals I immediately envisioned snow and then the pine trees to add more color and textual interest. You seldom miss seeing the beautiful red of the male cardinal in the snow covered trees in the midwest during the winter.

This is the original painting which measures 8.5″ x 6.5″.

Snow Covered Cardinals in Watercolor

Snow Covered Cardinals in Watercolor

My new Christmas card for 2009 is from this painting. Some cropping was done so the birds could be as large as possible, hope you enjoy it. The cards come in boxes of ten with a bright red loop around it. The price is $15 for a box of ten cards. Christmas cards are available from my website, the Snow Covered Cardinals should be up soon.

Snow Covered Cardinals, New 2009 Christmas Card

Snow Covered Cardinals, New 2009 Christmas Card


Hi Mickey,

I’m very pleased with the cards.  The ones for Tanya were for my daughter and I was able to get them to her by her birthday on the 11th .  She loves them.
Thank you and I will definitely keep your information for future orders for myself and gifts.  They make such nice gifts.

Jan H


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