Enthralling Adventures

Each blank canvas is a new adventure. Two of my grandsons have made sure that I had enthralling adventures for the last two years. In the January newsletter a year ago, I wrote of my oldest grandson’s request for a painting for the living room of his new home. This year grandson #2 asked if I […] […]

10 Ways to a Great Presentation

It was now October and by this time I had read the three books on public speaking I had purchased in March. As was suggested I had practiced in front of a mirror for months and was still apprehensive about speaking in front of so many designers. How do you feel about speaking in front of […] […]

Promote Your Artwork

This posting is for fellow artists or those who might like to help an artist. I receive far too many emails promoting workshops, etc. as I’m sure you do. This one, however, I feel would be of benefit to each of us. Whatever you decide have a GREAT 2009! Mickey Artists: Learn how to effectively promote […] […]


Inside this lovely home the builder greeted us. The designer told him of the dilema. He said, “Well, since you are here let me see what you’ve got.” We walk to the kitchen and I open my portfolio and proceed to show my designs. He looked at the first three sample boards and said, “That’s […] […]

Extensive Portfolio

Upon entering the large commercial design firm the receptionist greeted me, asked if I was Mickey and proceeded to tell me that they had twenty-six designers on staff. Each designer was required to be present every Monday when factory reps gave presentations of new their products. My presentation was to be fit in on a Monday. […] […]

Lessons Learned-Cold Calls

After learning that lesson there was no way I would drive that far without more than one appointment. After the first presentation I was hired to paint the Jane Tillery’s showroom, subsequently customers asked if they could have their homes hand painted. This was Indiana and I wasn’t aware of anyone hand painting walls at that time. The […] […]

Making Cold Calls

My instructors reaction to my painting was encouraging enough that I made those cold calls that most of hate so much. The town I lived in was very small and I felt this idea would be better suited to a large city. The city I chose was one hundred miles from me but my gut feeling was it would be a […] […]

Follow Your Heart

As you can see, at this point I was too driven to be side-tracked. It didn’t seem ethical to work for the shop owner/instructor for a short period of time and then leave. So I told her that I didn’t take her class because I wanted to do floral arranging. With an incredulous look on her face she […] […]

Composition and Design

Florals, by far, were my favorite subject matter. Painting on smaller objects like vases, plates, etc., I had been lucky in that I could look at photos in magazines of floral arrangements and paint something similar. Painting on walls with the design being very linear would be more challenging for me. Going to college for art classes was not in my […] […]

Coloring Outside of the Box . . . again

Not being easily discouraged I returned home, pulled out illustration board and started painting borders. At the time I was working sixty hours a week at a “real job” and teaching two night a week. My energy soared. After dinner ever evening I was in my studio painting samples. Do you have this happen when new ideas […] […]