Follow Your Heart

As you can see, at this point I was too driven to be side-tracked. It didn’t seem ethical to work for the shop owner/instructor for a short period of time and then leave. So I told her that I didn’t take her class because I wanted to do floral arranging.

With an incredulous look on her face she asked why I had taken the class. I’m sure she thought me crazed when I told her of the borders I wanted to paint in homes and businesses. She didn’t understand and asked that I bring samples to class.

The last class I brought my fourteen samples to show my instructor. Two designs per board with the beveled-cut matting above, between and below the designs. After the other students had left I showed her my samples. She smiled, looked at me and said, “Oh Honey, you don’t want to work for me. You need to paint.” Being an artist herself, she understood the importance of following your heart. In what ways are you following your heart? Leave a comment below if you would like to share.  Your questions are always welcomed as well.


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