Happy Spring!

Well, Spring is nearly here. The flowers are beginning to peek through the soil in a few areas of Colorado Springs. New beginnings is what Spring is all about for me. Time for clearing out the old and adding or just rearranging a few pieces of art and adding fresh flowers can give your home […] […]

October 2010 Newsletter

Artistic Voyage: News from Mickey October, 2010 Mother nature has been busy with her paintbrushes. Do you feel a restlessness when autumn’s glorious colors begin to appear on our landscapes . . . the falling leaves, the rich, eye-candy colors. The cool evening breezes that lend a gentleness to the season. With winter not far behind some […] […]

September 2010 Newsletter

Artistic Voyage: News from Mickey September, 2010 Happy colorful, glistening fall! There is a bitter-sweetness to this time of year. The thought of waning summer days could make me a bit melancholy if it weren’t for the anticipation of the stunning fall foliage and crisp cool evenings of autumn. Living in the foothills of Pikes Peak I am […] […]

August 2010 Newsletter

Artistic Voyage: News from Mickey August, 2010   We take on so many roles and it gets complicated and crowded. My life has always been full. I have kept it that way because that is what I thought was “normal.” It has become abundantly clear to me how important to my creativity it is to be quiet and […] […]

Writing a Thank You to a Business Associate

Saying “Thanks for a Job Well Done” is always appropriate. To follow is an idea of what you might say to someone who has done a great job on their presentation. “Hello . . . As anticipated your presentation was fabulous. Sandy had mentioned you were good with colors and I concur. Thank you for your […] […]

Writing a Thank You to Friends

Have you ever had guests so incredible that you were sad to see them go? Well, I have. Here is an idea for a few words to put into your thank you note to them. Dear . . . It was such a treat having you here. Having someone take over the kitchen and do the […] […]

Hand Written Note Cards, A Thing of the Past?

Does receiving a hand written note make you feel special? Are you impressed by someone who would take the time to physically write you note? Well I’ve heard from different sources that hand written cards are making a come back! Recently I had a coach tell me how she encourages here clients to send hand written […] […]

Colorful Colorado Inspired Art

What a beautiful summer we’re having in Colorado. It has been twenty-two years since I moved here and I don’t remember a rainier summer. I’ve been watching humming birds fluttering around their feeder. It seems I have a Rufous among the Ruby Red Throats again this year. If you haven’t seen a Rufous they are […] […]

Writing a Thank You to a Business Associate

Sometimes in our life we are fortunate enough to have friends and mentors who are willing to voice honest opinions about our businesses, to share things that have worked for them or refer you to someone who can help further your business. When you care enough to send a hand written thank you card you […] […]