Artistic Voyage: News from Mickey
October, 2010

Mother nature has been busy with her paintbrushes. Do you feel a restlessness when autumn’s glorious colors begin to appear on our landscapes . . . the falling leaves, the rich, eye-candy colors. The cool evening breezes that lend a gentleness to the season. With winter not far behind some of us may not be spending as much time out of doors. What occupies your time that was spent outdoors the last eight months or so. Do you have a hobby? It’s my belief we all need a one. Having said that I used to think my life must be out of balance because I didn’t have a hobby. When I opened my first studio at age twenty-four.
I made my hobby my vocation by teaching freehand design on ceramics, porcelain, wood and fabric. There never seemed to be enough time to delve into another hobby with two small boys and a husband to care for and working a part-time job.What occurred to me after my recent move is that my home has always been my hobby. Since I was down-sizing it was important to keep only the things I loved.
It wasn’t as difficult to make those decisions as you might think. It actually was a freeing transition. Now that I’m settled in I find I want to clear a few more areas.
Are you ready to begin a transition? Open a door to exhilaration? Is there something you have always wanted to pursue but never took the time? You may never have more time than you do now. Why put off something that could bring you joy and in return you share that joy with those around you. It could be dance lessons, wood working, knitting, cooking classes, joining a book club, planning your garden for next spring, painting, pottery classes. So many choices.
If your choice is to spruce up you surroundings, spend time perusing decorating magazines and create a room with art that opens your mind to the outdoors yet gives you a feeling of warmth and happiness in your surroundings. You can create your own true sense of style with all sorts of delicious possibilities. Your home should be personal, look for what moves you.
Your rooms can be a collage of personal passion. If a piece of art captivates you, buy it, even if you have to rearrange the room.
Spring and fall are great times for transitioning. What will you do to make your winter more comfortable and enjoyable? Take time for you.
It’s not too early to be thinking about keeping in touch at Thanksgiving. You can order personalized cards for your greetings. Email your questions to me at:
Bella’s Insights
This month I wasn’t sure what to talk about, until yesterday. Boy, did I mess up. Mom has been away a lot lately. When she comes home I have always greeted her at the door. Not this time but not because I didn’t want to. I heard her come in, I heard her call me, I heard her go upstairs, I heard her come downstairs, then back upstairs all the time calling me. Why didn’t she come and get me?!? Well, I had enough of the waiting and I yelped four times. That should get her attention. Then I heard her come back downstairs. I kept pawing and pawing trying to get to her.
Mom can be pretty smart, she finally came to one of my favorite napping spots, the guest bath downstairs. This time I wasn’t on my little rug. You see, when mom left I went exploring, you remember how much I like exploring? I was curious about this big white thing in the bathroom. I couldn’t see over the edge so I jumped up to sit on top to check it out except . . . well how was I to know I would fall into this big, cold, gaping, abyss! Boy was I glad to see her. The story doesn’t end there.
Mom was going to leave again! This time as she was carrying orders to the car I sneaked out the door and ran to the car, I didn’t go back to the house when she called. There was no way she was going to leave me again today. I just sat by the car so she would get the message. She finally saw it my way and she put me in my car seat. Whew!
I got to met a new friend named Annie while we were delivering to the store. Annie was even smaller than me. On the way home mom stopped at a park so we could walk and since she was so nice I did her favorite trick. I climbed up the steps to the slide and down I went, Waaahooo. Mom was so happy! This wasn’t such a bad day after all and you know – the back side of that big white hole I fell into was a bit like a slide. 😉
This is Bella, the not always successful Explorer saying Ta Ta for now.
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