October, 2011 September was a busy, creative month on this artistic voyage. Some things that kept me busy . . . • Finalized Broadmoor Resort signage for The Boutique • Finalized Broadmoor Resort signage for the New Broadmoor Holiday Shoppe! • Finalized a Paris theme nursery for a Baby Girl • Ideas Approved for the Broadmoor Resort Children’s Shop • Designs approved […] […]
A Lost Painting December can be such a joyous time of the year. For me it is a time of reflection, looking back on the past year to see how I might better the coming year and to make peace with all the things left undone, for whatever reason. Sometimes I lament the passing of a lost […] […]
Artistic Voyage: News from Mickey November, 2010 A Break from Designing and Painting to Sojourn in Indiana It’s been nearly four weeks since I have held one of my paint brushes. My latest project has required a lot of sketching, scanning, resizing, and other computer preparation before I begin painting. Then there was researching the materials that would withstand the […] […]
Audio Podcast April 20, 2010 Custom Murals of Nursery Rhymes Every project I do tugs at my heart, some more than others. The Cheyenne Mountain Library in Colorado Springs inquired about two mural installations above the book shelves in the Childrens section of their library. They didn’t have a budget for two murals but they were willing […] […]
Want to perk up your laundry day? Why not a fun mural in your laundry room. After painting murals in two rooms for my client she asked if I would give her some ideas for her laundry room. She liked the idea of a clothesline with a variety of children’s items that had special meaning for […] […]
The juvenile jungle safari continues . . . what animal will appear in the jungle this time? Brady is four years old and could carry on quite a lengthy conversation over the phone. He could dial my number by himself. We would be talking and I would hear something unusual and ask where he was and he […] […]
Continuing my on little safari in Georgia, as my imagination would have it, “Toby the Toucan and Gerry the Giraffe ” were born. My daughter-in-law, whom by the way has become the daughter I never had, had taken the window coverings down in Brady’s room and had left the blinds for privacy. My thought naturally went […] […]
Have you considered an “on-going” mural for a child’s room? This jungle theme mural was a work in progress for several years. You see, my son and his family live in Georgia and I live in Colorado so popping in to paint a mural or add to a mural whenever the mood hits isn’t always an […] […]
After finishing a project it is nice to follow-up with a thank you note. One of my favorite things to do is to use a portion of my client’s mural on the front of the note card. When a hand written note is thoughtfully planned it will always bring joy to the recipient. Try something like this for […] […]
This mural belongs to Will’s (previous post) sister who is do to arrive in May. This time Mom and Dad didn’t have specific ideas for the theme of the mural other than Mom knew she wanted a white tree. The baby’s furniture was white and the walls a pale, warm tan with white trim so […] […]