An Interview by the Artsy Shark

Carolyn Edlund is a consultant for artists and creative entrepreneurs. On her “Artsy Shark” blog she interviews artists from around the world. This week I was her featured artist. Check out her blog, she is knowledgeable and inspiring. Don’t forget to read her glowing testimonials. Below is a close-up of a portion of one of the […] […]

October 2011 Newsletter

October, 2011 September was a busy, creative month on this artistic voyage. Some things that kept me busy . . . • Finalized Broadmoor Resort signage for The Boutique • Finalized Broadmoor Resort signage for the New Broadmoor Holiday Shoppe! • Finalized a Paris theme nursery for a Baby Girl • Ideas Approved for the Broadmoor Resort Children’s Shop • Designs approved […] […]

Wall Pocket Mural

August was yet another busy, creative month on my artistic voyage. I am so blessed to be working with beautiful people. These were the highlights of last month. • Finished murals in the lobby of Dr. Tonia Sabo’s offices in Broomfield, Colorado • Created ideas for signs for The Boutique at the Broadmoor Resort in Colorado Springs • […] […]

A Mural of Aspen, Poppies and Daisies

There was a presentiment of fall in the air this morning. The moisture and over-cast skies contributed to the feeling. A perfect morning to sit on the deck and talk to you about a portion of my latest project. Bella and I ventured to Broomfield, CO to create a relaxing atmosphere in the lobby of […] […]

Painting at The Broadmoor Resort in Colorado Springs

July was full of painting at the Broadmoor Resort in Colorado Springs. This is my seventeenth year painting at the Broadmoor. Although I am only there a few times a year, as I approach the porte cochere at The Broadmoor I am still awestruck by the wonder and beauty of this resort. The month started off with a […] […]

December 2010 Newsletter

  A Lost Painting December can be such a joyous time of the year. For me it is a time of reflection, looking back on the past year to see how I might better the coming year and to make peace with all the things left undone, for whatever reason. Sometimes I lament the passing of a lost […] […]

November 2010 Newsletter

  Artistic Voyage: News from Mickey November, 2010 A Break from Designing and Painting to Sojourn in Indiana It’s been nearly four weeks since I have held one of my paint brushes. My latest project has required a lot of sketching, scanning, resizing, and other computer preparation before I begin painting. Then there was researching the materials that would withstand the […] […]

Murals for a Library

Audio Podcast April 20, 2010 Custom Murals of Nursery Rhymes Every project I do tugs at my heart, some more than others. The Cheyenne Mountain Library in Colorado Springs inquired about two mural installations above the book shelves in the Childrens section of their library. They didn’t have a budget for two murals but they were willing […] […]

Floral Ceiling Mural at the Broadmoor Resort

Custom Mural in the Spa at the Broadmoor Resort blog-podcast-april-15-2010 For those of you unfamiliar with the Broadmoor Resort it opened in 1918 and to this day is rated a five-star/five diamond resort, very prestigious, one of three hotels in Colorado with this rating. I can’t say enough about this outstanding first-class resort. They offer year-round […] […]

Hand Painted Iris on Hardwood Floor

The eleven foot purple iris on the aerobic room floor in the Spa at Kingsmill Resort in Williamsburg, Virginia came about after I had painted the rose on the aerobic room floor at the Broadmoor Resort in Colorado. After hearing of the Broadmoor renovations the Vice President of Kingsmill Resort went to survey the premises . I […] […]