October 2010 Newsletter

Artistic Voyage: News from Mickey October, 2010 Mother nature has been busy with her paintbrushes. Do you feel a restlessness when autumn’s glorious colors begin to appear on our landscapes . . . the falling leaves, the rich, eye-candy colors. The cool evening breezes that lend a gentleness to the season. With winter not far behind some […] […]

Snow Covered Cardinals Christmas Card

Painting birds has always brought me joy and cardinals are certainly one of my favorite birds. Adding them to murals has always been fun, especially in Colorado since they don’t live here. I find people from the midwest usually miss seeing them and they have actually asked me to add them to their murals. Two little […] […]

New Christmas Cards!

Inquiries about new Christmas cards have been coming in. The three below are the new ones for 2008. They can be ordered from my website. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed painting them. Happy Holiday! 0801 Inside reads: May the joys of nature bring a smile to your face this holiday season. 0802 Inside reads: Wishing you a beautiful […] […]

Greeting Cards for Thanksgiving

Autumn and all its splendor is such a glorious time of year. Colors of green, gold, burgundy, warm browns, yellow, orange, and red fill the landscape. The Colorado Aspens, interspersed among the tall pines on the mountainside, have brilliant golden leaves in the fall and with the slightest breeze they seem to glisten in the sunlight. This really […] […]