Well here I go again, coloring outside of the box. Recently I decided to advertise on a website at the recommendation of a dear friend. After emailing for information I received a phone call from a very Spirited woman by the name of Nancy Mills who produces that website, The Spirited Woman. It was only a few minutes since I had sent the email and she had already checked out my website and wanted to know if I had any questions, impressive.
During the course of our conversation she mentioned that she was having a contest. Well, I enjoy a good challenge so I got together with another Spirited friend of mine and she created the following video. Click the following link. Enjoy! Why I think I’m aWoman
Are you a Spirited Woman? Join in the fun and create your own “Why I think I’m a Spirited Woman” video. You have until September 30th. Just click here www.thespiritedwoman.com and go to the contest instructions.
To me my Spirited Woman showed up when I was painting my Collage series. Check out my Collage series on my website. Go to “Shop”, “Limited Edition Geclee”, and then “Contemporary”. There is also a Collage series of note cards in two color ways. Enjoy!
So do you consider yourself a Spirited Woman? To tell us in what way you are Spirited woment click “Comment” above.
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