October 2011 Newsletter

October, 2011 September was a busy, creative month on this artistic voyage. Some things that kept me busy . . . • Finalized Broadmoor Resort signage for The Boutique • Finalized Broadmoor Resort signage for the New Broadmoor Holiday Shoppe! • Finalized a Paris theme nursery for a Baby Girl • Ideas Approved for the Broadmoor Resort Children’s Shop • Designs approved […] […]

March Newsletter: Columbines & Poppies

You are a Priority Somewhere on your list of priorities should be you and things that make you smile. For me filling my surroundings with things I love is part of taking care of me. Some of the things I like to surround myself with are photos of family, remembrances of special times and art that I enjoy. Things that […] […]

Writing a Thank You to a Business Associate

Saying “Thanks for a Job Well Done” is always appropriate. To follow is an idea of what you might say to someone who has done a great job on their presentation. “Hello . . . As anticipated your presentation was fabulous. Sandy had mentioned you were good with colors and I concur. Thank you for your […] […]

Snow Covered Cardinals Christmas Card

Painting birds has always brought me joy and cardinals are certainly one of my favorite birds. Adding them to murals has always been fun, especially in Colorado since they don’t live here. I find people from the midwest usually miss seeing them and they have actually asked me to add them to their murals. Two little […] […]

A Thank You for Helping

During an illness you often find out who your friends really are. Here is an idea for what you might say to someone who has helped you during your recovery from an illness. “Words can’t express the gratitude I feel for all you have done for me. You’ve made such a difference in my recovery. Not […] […]

Note Cards A Business Thank You

After finishing a project it is nice to follow-up with a thank you note. One of my favorite things to do is to use a portion of my client’s mural on the front of the note card. When a hand written note is thoughtfully planned it will always bring joy to the recipient. Try something like this for […] […]

Extensive Portfolio

Upon entering the large commercial design firm the receptionist greeted me, asked if I was Mickey and proceeded to tell me that they had twenty-six designers on staff. Each designer was required to be present every Monday when factory reps gave presentations of new their products. My presentation was to be fit in on a Monday. […] […]

Broadmoor White Light Ceremony Celebrating 90 years

Saturday evening after Thanksgiving is a special time at the Broadmoor Resort in Colorado Springs. This is the evening of the annual White Light Tree Lighting Ceremony and this year was very special in that it is their 90th anniversary. Without the lights the Broadmoor is spectacular but this particular Saturday is magical. At a Gwen […] […]

Bella and Bailey on Halloween

Halloween has come and gone but I couldn’t help but share these pics of Bella and her new friend, Bailey. Bailey and Bella walk several times a week and Bella finally lets Bailey get within a few inches of her. What an improvement over the way she used to charge at every dog in sight […] […]

Painting Flowers in Hospital Setting

Memorial Hospital for Children, in partnership with The Children’s Hospital is located at Memorial Hospital Central in Colorado Springs and houses a Level IIIb NICU which is able to take care of the most fragile newborns. This hospital has some of the most professional nurses and doctors, men and women, I’ve had the privilage of meeting. It was an honor […] […]