Impromptu painting isn’t my forte (Do you know what I mean?) but it so happened I had with me the items I needed to paint the two pieces of furniture, a sanding block, tack rag and I would be using the same colors that I had used for the quote above the double entry doors to the master bedroom.
This was to be simple so here is what I decided on. The small scale furniture pieces didn’t have a large area to paint on so I worked with drawer fronts and the legs of the tables.
Because of my years of teaching freehand design on ceramics and procelain I decided on simple brushstrokes in colors that coordinated to the fabrics and accessories in the room. It was the colors of the two tables that ultimately helped me decide on the colors for the quote above the entry doors.
What are some of your ideas for simple painting on small scale furniture. Do have something to share? Just leave questions or comments in the comment box.
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