Painterly Accents for a Kitchen


One evening I received a call from a woman who was wanting ideas to make her kitchen feel warmer and more inviting. In our meeting the following week we decided that adding accents in strategic areas would solve her problem.

 horton10Her kitchen was neutral except for wallpaper up to the chairrail level beside the table. She was willing to take the wallcovering down but I decided I would rather work with it. The border was lovely, painted in a painterly fashion with glorious colors. It made sense that the accents I was to design needed to look very much like the border but still look hand painted.

Accents were painted around the corners of her pantry, above the sink, and around the entries into the kitchen.


This style of painting was a departure from my normal painting style but I’ve always appreciated its beauty. Tell me about a time you tried something out of your realm  of expertise. How did you feel afterward?



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