At a time when money is tight for most of us, charities are feeling the pinch even more. A small donation from lots of people makes a huge difference. Won’t you consider a purchase of eight boxed cards for only $15 + $4.50 priority shipping to help find a cure for this decease? 10% of each sale will go to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Thank you and thousands of cancer patients thank you. Just email me at:

This card #290 will go to print soon. Orders are being taken via at this time. 10% of each sale will be donated to the Susan G. Koman Breast Care Foundation.
This is unlike my previous posts I have made, in that I don’t usually talk about charities. It is sad to say but we probably all know someone whose life has been changed because of breast cancer. It isn’t just the person with breast cancer, family and friends suffer as well. In my Colorado Springs chapter of eWomen Network we have several cancer survivors. Bobbi Van Riper, a member of eWomen Network and a survivor, created a business called In Care of You.
A bit about her and her business; “In Care of You” President, Bobbi Van Riper, survived breast cancer in 1996. Because of her own medical history and her family’s history of cancer and venous insufficiency, Bobbi started a business to help people with these medical conditions.
“In Care of You” specializes in providing products, solutions and support for clients with complications arising from breast cancer, various surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation, lymphedema, venous disease, diabetes, and many other medical conditions. The business was started by a team of caring people who have first-hand experience using and working with many of the products they sell.
Bobbi is a Sponsor of the 2009 Race Chair for the
Susan G. Komen Colorado Springs Race for the Cure®. She is also a Committee Chairperson for the Denver Race for the Cure.
When Bobbi asked if I would consider designing a fine art card for this cause I couldn’t refuse. The painting was originally done for the Mary Lou Beshears Breast Care Center in Colorado Springs. With a few alterations it became what I plan to be the first in a series for this worthy cause.
Great looking cards for a great cause. Nicely done. And on the topic of breast cancer awareness, I invite you to check out this video — — about a remarkable woman’s “aha moment” that led her to walk around the world for the cause. Literally. It’s a wonderful story, and it’s about a lot more than breast cancer. I know you’ll find it extremely inspiring.
All the best,