Shortly after our afternoon rain today I got a very pleasant surprise visit from two spotted fawns deighting in the potted flowers on my deck as their mother looked on. It seems late in the seasn for such young fawns. Deer eating my potted flowers would have normally upset me but what can I say, they were so beautiful. Here are a few photos I snapped through the window . . . precious.
Last Sunday I was blessed with the humming birds playing in th rain. This week the fawns. Incredible Colorado.
Hi Mickey,
I really enjoyed reading about the fawns and seeing their photos. They are precious. I am working at Victory Noll as the Activity Coordinator. We have deers and fawns on the property. I haven’t seen the fawns, only the deer.. usually walking across the roadway in front of the car. However the speed limit is 15 mph. In addition to enjoying the beauty of the grounds, I look for the deer to wander out onto the road while I’m driving on and off the property. I printed the pictures and will post them on the bulletin board tomorrow. The Sisters will really enjoy reading your story and seeing the photos you took. Thanks for sharing. Victory Noll is a beautiful property. An artists dream…. They have a website if you are interested in checking it out. Father Fahey has a flower garden I’d like to get in print and a painting. We have several accomplished artists at the convent. This year they sold their prints and donated the monies to the American Cancer Society. I have three original prints that I purchased. One of the artists is 96. Yes, you read right. Her print is a church in a winter woods, the second a head of a wolf that looks very real and the third is roses in a pump…. My Aunt was an artist.. oils.. wish I’d inherited some of her talent. Your artwork is gorgeous.. God has blessed you in many ways… that inspire others… to be happy and carefree and blessed by knowing you…
Hi Terry, thanks so much for commenting on my blog. I love when people do that. Congrats on the job at Victory Knoll. Vicki used to volunteer to cut some of the nuns hair. It’s been some time ago but I think they weren’t able to get out or something. Chic actually repaired one of the bridges on the property, I believe. Funny how intertwined our lives are. Thanks again for being in touch. mickey