Help Me Fix My Boo-Boo?

Photo of Colorado Mural by Mickey Baxter-Spade

A Simple Little Project Escalated Last month I received an email from someone I had met at a networking event several years ago. The subject line read, “help me fix my boo boo?” Renee explained that she had hung several antique bows that had belonged to her husband’s grandfather on a wall which had a faux […] […]

December 2010 Newsletter

  A Lost Painting December can be such a joyous time of the year. For me it is a time of reflection, looking back on the past year to see how I might better the coming year and to make peace with all the things left undone, for whatever reason. Sometimes I lament the passing of a lost […] […]

March Newsletter: Columbines & Poppies

You are a Priority Somewhere on your list of priorities should be you and things that make you smile. For me filling my surroundings with things I love is part of taking care of me. Some of the things I like to surround myself with are photos of family, remembrances of special times and art that I enjoy. Things that […] […]