Writing a Thank You to a Business Associate

Saying “Thanks for a Job Well Done” is always appropriate. To follow is an idea of what you might say to someone who has done a great job on their presentation. “Hello . . . As anticipated your presentation was fabulous. Sandy had mentioned you were good with colors and I concur. Thank you for your […] […]

Day Lilies in Acrylics

As a continuation of my Autumn Art and Jewelry Show I wanted to share one of my new paintings with you. Four new paintings were completed and framed in time for the show. Of course, I always think I can do more. The first one I will share with you is “Tranquility”. Day lilies, hermerocallis fulva, […] […]

Hand Painted Murals in Small Areas

Wall pockets are a quick, fun, even elegant way of dressing up a small area. This one was done for a client who wanted to hang a piece of art at the end of her garden tub but it wasn’t possible because of a pocket door in that wall. As my eyes roamed the room for […] […]

Thank You for the Book

It’s nice to exchange books with friends and to discuss it afterward. Here is a quick little thank you note to express your appreciation. “It was so kind of you to loan me your book. You were absolutely right, it was a great read and was difficult to put down. I’d love to get together to […] […]