That Time Between Autumn and Winter . . .

—Adapted from writings by McKenna Kaelin The Month of Remembrance At an early age, I was kidnapped by the love of flowers. A love that continues today. One of the earliest photos of myself was taken at my aunt and uncle’s farm, in Indiana, with a stem of hollyhocks in hand. While painting a wall of six-foot-tall flowers at […] […]

Colorado Painting Journey

Summer is leaving silently. Much like a traveler approaching the end of an amazing journey. —Darnell Lamont Walker     The beauty of Colorado remains at the forefront of my mind as I write. Six weeks of painting, dancing, and enjoying the company of dear friends. It just doesn’t get better than that. In my previous newsletter, I mentioned Bob and Donni’s master bath […] […]

Blunders & Absurdities

Have you ever missed a deadline? Well, I did. I have three paintings started, none of which are far enough along to finish in time for a show I planned to enter. In the Spring I get caught up in the search for just the right flowers for my yard. A good and fun example […] […]

Fleeting Moments of Fall

Autumn comes with regal ease in Georgia, content to arrive with slow grace. It is the end of November, we still have 70+ degree days. My neighbor, Margaret, has a beautifully shaped Maple tree and this year its radiant splendor did not disappoint. The leaves have changed from green to an incredible display of vibrant colors – vermillion to ruby […] […]

My First Juried Art Competition

My intention was to paint three small paintings to enter the competition. On the day that a friend and I planned to enter our pieces, my three companion paintings sat unfinished on my table. I had to tell my friend I was looking forward to going but I wouldn’t be entering anything in the competition. She responded […] […]

A Not So Timid Garden

“This strangely still pause between summer and autumn, greenery bright and gold, and the heat and rising wind that is once again readying itself to rush it all away in a climactic symphony of color and scent, in my opinion, one of the best parts of living on earth.” —Victoria Erickson   Where do you find inspiration […] […]

Where do you find inspiration for your paintings?

This is a question artists are often asked. In response, I wrote that ideas for paintings come from anything you see or dream of. My ideas often come in dreams. They are in my mind when I awaken or during meditation. Since I love painting from nature I seldom leave the house without my phone […] […]


Yes, I know I mentioned daffodils in my last newsletter. But many of my readers are in cooler climates and their spring flowers are still popping up. Few flowers remind me more of Spring than the daffodil. Below is a poem by William Wordsworth, the first of four stanzas, along with a birthday card I designed. […] […]

Enthralling Adventures

Each blank canvas is a new adventure. Two of my grandsons have made sure that I had enthralling adventures for the last two years. In the January newsletter a year ago, I wrote of my oldest grandson’s request for a painting for the living room of his new home. This year grandson #2 asked if I […] […]

A Time of Transition

Autumn, a time of transition, my first pet portrait outside of a mural, a place for nurturing, and a delightful email containing a surprise from my past. When I say “past” I’m talking . . . my art from 40+ years ago. Wowza! I’d like you to know that I appreciate these few minutes you will […] […]