Painting a Southwest Mural at The Wigwam Resort

When asked to paint at The Wigwam Resort in Arizona I was thrilled. This meant new subject matter and I hadn’t painted many cactus. Part of the enjoyment of a new project is the research I do to familiarize myself with the area, indigenous plants and local fauna. My subject matter was to be southwest/desert.

The Wigwam Resort is located in Litchfield Park, Arizona and has the feel of authentic Arizona. They offer champioship golf, a beautiful spa,  delectable dining, traditional adobe accommodations and so much more.

In the lobby of the hotel is a large adobe fireplace with a five foot opening. My job was to embellish the fireplace. The colors of the surroundings were earth tones which were perfect for the nature scheme I intended to paint. The local library and book stores had plenty of books and magazines and as luck would have it the desert was in bloom and beautiful. So deciding what to paint came easily.

The spines on the cactus took a lot of patience, a whole day of patience to be exact. That week there was a convention at the resort with lots of people passing by throughout the day. In the evening a friend of my came to visit from Colorado. We were in the lobby after dinner, I was sitting on the couch and she was by the fireplace looking at the detail of the cactus. A guest walked by and commented to her on how the artist had been sitting there all day painting the detail on those cactus. Having said that he glanced over at me and pointed his finger and said, “You’re Her!” I said, “Guilty” and smiled. We all got a chuckle out of that one. Guess I looked a little different when I wasn’t in my painting clothes.

If you get the opportunity to vacation in Arizona, consider The Wigwam Resort, I know you won’t be disapointed. Here are a couple of shots of the fireplace. Later I’ll tell you about the design I painted on the hardwood floors in the lobby.

Fireplace in the lobby of The Wigwam Resort in Litchfield Park, AZ

Fireplace in the lobby of The Wigwam Resort in Litchfield Park, AZ

Close-up of mural painted at The Wigwam Resort in Litchfield Park, AZ

Chipmunk playing on a cactus in a mural painted at The Wigwam Resort in Litchfield Park, AZ

A different view of the fireplace in the lobby of The Wigwam Resort

A different view of the fireplace in the lobby of The Wigwam Resort

The snake in this section of the mural is trying to get to the bird’s nest and the cactus wren is doing her best to distract the him.  Ooooo, mean snake!


“Dear Mickey, Thanks for the great job. It was wonderful having you here and the accolades on your work continue to roll in. I’m certain we will be seeing more of you…”

Ralph Vick,
General Manager
Wigwam Resort and Golf Club
Litchfield Park, AZ

Your questions are welcome, please leave a comment or question and I will get back to you.


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